There are no winners from this incident in which a café worker suffered serious burns, the business owner lost her business and now faces potential fines up to $1.8m
All will be affected for the rest of their lives and it was totally preventable. Methylated Spirits has a very low flashpoint and it takes little heat to cause it to ignite. It’s suitability as a safe method of heating needs to be assessed very carefully. Staff training in its safe use in the workplace is critical. If staff do not have the knowledge and experience then the failure to adequately train staff is likely to create a life-threatening situation from seemingly innocuous circumstances. The duty of acre falls on the employer.
In any serious incident safety authorities are going to look at your policies, procedures and your staff training as a starting point in determining the cause and responsibility in any incident. Contact Foodsafeplus powered by Nebula-IMS to learn how we can help.